radiology technology | ONRAD, Inc.
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ImagingEconomics | The "World Healthcare IT Market: Trends & Forecast (2010 - 2015)" analyzes and studies the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities in North America, Europe, Asia, & Rest of the world. The global healthcare IT market is expected to grow from $99.6 billion in...

DiagnosticImaging | Optical Coherence Technology (OCT), a favored tool of eye specialists for nearly two decades, may soon be coming to an esophagus or colon near you. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed an experimental imaging system that enables high-speed, three-dimensional imaging of...

imagingBiz | Microvascular perfusion deficits and reduced arterial perfusion reserve are clearly detectable in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) when dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is used after transient arterial occlusion, report the authors of a feasibility study published online and in the August issue...

AuntMinnie | Computer-aided detection (CAD) technology doesn't improve the accuracy of mammography and increases a woman's risk of being called back unnecessarily, according to a study released Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Lead author Dr. Joshua Fenton, from the University of California,...