[caption id="attachment_8296" align="alignnone" width="550" caption="Happy Holidays, from our team to yours!"][/caption] This last year at ONRAD has been extremely dynamic. We continue to have record growth. In fact, in November, we broke a monthly volume record. We are also very excited to have partnered with our...
As an active member of the ONRAD management team, an officer of the company, and a 3rd year part-time law student at the University of San Diego School of Law, I have had little time to read the newspaper. That is unfortunate. Well, my law...
Customer service is like a good stew. It blends different ingredients that complement each other and eventually results in a great meal. Customer retention is what you get after you've served that famous customer service stew. The receipe for successful customer service is unique in...
There are different opinions on how a hospital based radiology practice should be run or how a transition from one group to another should occur. However, in each of these situations, there is one common denominator. The hospital medical staff must be engaged in both...
How to write a Radiology RFPDeciding which radiology group is the best fit for you can be an overwhelming decision. There are many elements to consider. First, be sure that the RFP you create is complete and accurately states exactly what your expecations are. That will help you...