The Wall Street Journal | October 15 - Earlier in the decade, growth in the frequency of claims declined for several years in a row, down to a 1.81% increase for incidents occurring in 2006. The pace has now ticked up for the past three... | October 15 - In today's world of seemingly omnipresent cell phones and smartphones, along with widespread access to e-mail in most corners of the globe, fast and efficient communication among physicians concerning a patient's test results should be easy, right?
Unfortunately, conveying critical results...
The New York Times | October 13 - Obviously, doctors and nurses have different roles in the hospital. Our training is different, and so are our responsibilities. It's also true that patients choose their doctor and only end up with a particular nurse through the... | October 14 - The business models that will emerge in the era of healthcare reform are still unclear, but leading hospitals and health systems are already positioning themselves to adapt when they do come into focus. They're taking the first steps toward becoming...
Radiology Business Journal | October 13 - Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger of California has signed into law a medical radiation protection bill aimed at protecting patients from excessive radiation exposure received during CT scans and radiation therapy procedures. Greasing the wheels for the first state law...