imagingBiz | Cuts to diagnostic imaging services are not included in the initial measures called for in the debt limit agreement approved yesterday by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in a move to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the near-term...
imagingBiz | Microvascular perfusion deficits and reduced arterial perfusion reserve are clearly detectable in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) when dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is used after transient arterial occlusion, report the authors of a feasibility study published online and in the August issue...
HealthLeadersMedia | The right to request an "access report" as outlined in the Office for Civil Rights' proposed HIPAA accounting of disclosures rule could be an asset to attorneys in HIPAA civil suits and malpractice cases, privacy experts say.
Under the proposed accounting of disclosures rule,...
AuntMinnie | Switching from film-screen to full-field digital mammography (FFDM) increases the total repeat rate for screening mammograms, offsetting some of the dose savings afforded by the digital equipment, according to research presented this week at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) meeting...
DiagnosticImaging | The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) released changes regarding the recommendations for screening mammography on November 16th, 2009. Previous recommendations stated that screening mammography should be performed every one to two years for women beginning at age 40.
The 2009 recommendations changed...