Nighthawk Radiology Service Alternatives - ONRAD, Inc.
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Nighthawk Radiology Services

Considering an alternative to nighthawk radiology?

ONRAD, Inc. is a U.S.-based radiology service provider offering superior quality, turnaround times and customer service. If you’ve been searching for an alternative to nighthawk radiology, see what ONRAD has to offer:

Nighthawk Radiology Comparison ONRAD Other Providers
Average Turnaround Times 25 minutes (preliminary or final) Up to 2 hours (preliminary)
Average Number of Physicians Credentialed 13 per facility 30-35 per facility
Physicians Available for Consultations Yes, 24/7 Difficult to reach, not always available
Physician Turnover Low High



ONRAD’s physicians deliver turnaround times consistently better than the industry standard – backed by equally documented quality that enables better healthcare decisions. We are so confident that we share this data with the world every month. Can you get that from your current nighthawk radiology provider?

See the Turnaround Times and Quality Data.



ONRAD is a full service radiology provider offering teleradiology solutions, on-site radiology and quality assurance programs. 100% of our radiologists are U.S.-based and certified by the American Board of Radiology. Many of our radiologists have also completed fellowships. Read full CVs and current subspecialties offered by our radiology group.


See the Difference

Are you ready to see the difference for yourself? ONRAD offers a great alternative to your current nighthawk radiology provider.

Request a quote and learn what ONRAD can do for you.