CaliforniaHealthLine | Americans living in rural areas are more likely to have chronic health issues and less access to quality health care than those living in urban areas, according to a report by the UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform and Modernization, Reuters reports (O'Toole, Reuters,...
ImagingEconomics | The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently expanded Medicare coverage of MRI for beneficiaries with implanted pacemakers when used according to FDA-approved labeling in an MRI environment. A final National Coverage Determination (NCD) provides access to the MRI environment for patients...
I recently sat down with the COO of a medium-sized East Coast hospital who is interested in ONRAD's teleradiology services. After briefly getting to know each other, he simply stated, "Your company is golden. Hybrid radiology coverage is the future and your company is well positioned...
DiagnosticImaging | The global diagnostic imaging market is expected to swell to $26.6 billion by 2016, driven by an aging population and advancements in the field.
The imaging market, which stood at $20.7 billion in 2010, is also expected to be bolstered by an increasing awareness...
imagingBiz | Radiologists have become PACS experts, sometimes by default. Because diagnostic images made the greatest demands on early information systems in health care, the most sophisticated systems were first developed to handle these images and associated data. These systems became PACS, which grew out...