imagingBiz | To make a point about how health IT can curb runaway health care costs, Peter R. Orszag cited the experience of Partners HealthCare System Inc. in Boston.
Orzag was President Obama’s director of the Office of Management and Budget and is now vice chairman...
ImagingEconomics | Incidental findings can lead to unnecessary testing, expense, and malpractice suits.
Radiologists inevitably worry about missing something, but an equally vexing part of the job is seeing too much. Looking for one thing and finding another—the so-called "incidentaloma"—has long been a familiar conundrum...
DiagnosticImaging | A formidably named bit of technology can open a new window into pancreas function, according to a new study in the journal Radiology. Serial magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with a spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse can provide insights into pancreatic flow noninvasively, Japanese...
ImagingEconomics | In a new article published in the August issue of Imaging Economics, researchers explore the reasoning behind U.S. adults' selection of access to imaging as one of the most important characteristics of their healthcare plans, as found in an independent survey conducted by...
DiagnosticImaging | Mrs. Anderson called her doctor and spoke with pressured speech: “I think there is a mistake. That cannot be my ultrasound. I don’t have a gallbladder.”
Mrs. Anderson was accessing our hospital’s open EHR, which allowed her to view her radiology reports, and noticed...