Teleradiology Quality Assurance

The chart above shows the total reported discrepancies for teleradiology studies as a percentage of the total studies read. ONRAD radiologists are consistently below 0.18%. For the past four years, we have performed at levels well below 0.10%.
About Teleradiology Quality at ONRAD
ONRAD’s superior Teleradiology Quality Assurance program ensures consistent quality from every teleradiologist.
- All discrepancies are reviewed by the Teleradiology Quality Committee
- Follow up communication is sent back to the customer for every reported discrepancy
- Monthly teleradiology quality reports are available for every customer
Teleradiology Peer Review Process
- Customer reports discrepancy
- Dr. Vincent and Dr. Salen complete initial evaluation of discrepancies
- Serious discrepancies, unusual findings, or teaching cases are sent to the Quality Committee for evaluation
- The Quality Committee assigns each discrepancy a grade and makes recommendations for any additional action
- Follow up communication sent to the customer
- Quarterly teleradiology quality report sent to each customer
ONRAD Teleradiology Group
Building a teleradiology group committed to quality begins with hiring the right team. We believe our teleradiologists provide the highest quality reports. Learn more about our teleradiology group.
Read more about ONRAD’s QA process and QA Committee.