Do Consumers Think Insurers’ Technology Use Has Improved the Level of Customer Service? | ONRAD, Inc.
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Do Consumers Think Insurers’ Technology Use Has Improved the Level of Customer Service?

iHealthBeat | Eleven percent of surveyed consumers strongly agree that the increased use of technology in customer service has significantly improved the level of service from health insurers in the past five years, according to an Accenture survey.

Seventeen percent of survey respondents strongly disagree that insurers’ increased use of technology has significantly improved the level of service.

The survey also found that 47% of respondents said a corporate website is an important information channel in deciding to do business with a company.

In addition, the survey found that in the last year, 7% of respondents had gone online to sites such as Facebook and Twitter to post negative comments about a bad experience with an insurer.

Results are based on a Web-based survey conducted from December 2010 to January 2011 of 1,000 health insurance customers.


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