Radiology RFP Template | ONRAD, Inc.
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Radiology RFP Template

How to write a Radiology RFP

Deciding which radiology group is the best fit for you can be an overwhelming decision. There are many elements to consider. First, be sure that the RFP you create is complete and accurately states exactly what your expecations are. That will help you get a good impression of each potential radiology group. Use ONRAD’s Radiology RFP template to start and as you make your decision, keep the following in mind:

  • The group should be able to provide all of the required services without outsourcing. Outsourcing some services can lead to communication breakdowns and finger pointing.
  • It is important that the group you choose has real world experience providing all the services you are requesting. They must understand the unique requirements of all the services you need.
  • The group should be able to provide a variety of subspecialty experts day and night.
  • Daytime teleradiology coverage should be available as a backup in case the on-site physician is busy.
  • Be clear about interventional needs. The group should be able to expand the interventional services at the hospital.
  • Let the group know what kind of physician you want on site – just someone to read, or a true member of the medical staff who will act as the Medical Director, attend meetings and provide training.
  • If the group has experience with professional billing, they are likely to be more self sufficient and less likely to need a supplement from the hospital.

Download ONRAD’s Radiology RFP Template to get started now.

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