11 Hot Healthcare Buzzwords for 2011 | ONRAD, Inc.
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11 Hot Healthcare Buzzwords for 2011

HealthLeadersMedia | With rapid changes in healthcare comes a new vocabulary with terms and phrases every provider should know.

Culled from journal articles, conferences, blogs and other media, some of these phrases might not be all that new. But it’s our bet that even if you’ve heard some of them before, you’re going to hear a lot more references to them in 2011.

The List:

  1. EHR-EMR-HIT Interoperability
  2. Creative Destruction
  3. HAIs – Getting to Zero
  4. Teachback
  5. Pink Fatigue or Pinkification
  6. Sat Scores
  7. Alignment
  8. Respectful Crisis Management
  9. Checklists
  10. Medical Apps

Read more on HealthLeadersMedia.com.

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