Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration Improves Outcomes | ONRAD, Inc.
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Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration Improves Outcomes | October 18 – Pharmacists might soon be leaving the confines of their drug-filled fortresses to work alongside primary care physicians. Two studies indicate that adding pharmacists to the primary care team for joint care management increases medical benefits.

In an American Diabetes Association report, researchers analyze the impact of pharmacists on controlling hypertension and other cardiovascular health issues in patients with type 2 diabetes. Over a six-year period, the multidisciplinary team monitored 260 patients’ blood pressure at Edmonton, Alberta-are primary care clinics, 153 of whom were not adequately controlling their hypertension.

Study participants achieved an approximate 10% decrease in systolic blood pressure within one year, which translates into a 3% reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by patients who received intervention, according to according to co-author Scot H. Simpson, BSP, PharmD, MSc.


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