21 Oct Meet Dr. Alix Vincent: Co-Founder and CMO of Onrad
There are many people that contribute to Onrad’s success but we wouldn’t be considered one of the top teleradiology service providers without their expertise and dedication. Each of our radiologists bring something valuable to the table whether it be their subspecialty, their experience at a high-level university/hospital or even their personality. This week, we want to spotlight one of our most experienced radiologists, Dr. Alix Vincent.

Alix Vincent M.D., C.M.O.
On what drew him to the medical field:
Dr. Vincent comes from a family of medical professionals, so it’s no surprise he was drawn towards a career in medicine. He said, “Growing up, I always wanted to be the kid that did what his parents wanted him to do.” Then, when he was in medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Dr. Vincent was truly drawn to radiology and felt the demands of the job would appropriately fit his personality.
His interest in computers and machinery also played a large role in Dr. Vincent’s interest in radiology. He commented saying he remembers the era before personal computers well, as he started college before students had easy access to personal computers. Majoring in Chemistry for his undergraduate degree however, Dr. Vincent did gain access to an Apple 2 computer which was available in the department. “This was my first exposure to computers. I started programming and that’s how I got into it.”
It was during his second year as a medical student when he officially made the decision to pursue radiology as his specialty. After completing his Diagnostic Radiology residency, Dr. Vincent became a fellow practicing Neuroradiology as his sub-specialty in July of 1991.
On his involvement with Onrad:
Dr. Vincent was one of the founding physicians at Onrad, Inc. Due to his expertise in the field but also his technological acuity, Dr. Vincent brought a lot to the table during Onrad’s inception. On a daily basis Dr. Vincent handles more than just the duties of a radiologist; he handles any medical issues and works directly with their most long-term clients. “Because I’ve been with the company since day one, I have great relationships with a lot of the older clients,” Dr. Vincent commented.
His job also sometimes includes running interference with doctors when there are patient issues. Dr. Vincent steps up to handle these scenarios because he understands that doctors often want to speak directly with other doctors about medical issues, rather than trying to explain something to a patient. His primary position is as Onrad’s Medical Director, but he still does a lot of the hands on clinical work. This ability to continue practicing the specialty he is so passionate about, while also contributing to the company in other ways, is what Dr. Vincent loves so much about being involved with Onrad.
“Being the medical director, I get to talk to the doctors as much as I can. I’m not stuck up in a white tower. I still get to work in the trenches alongside of the other radiologists.” Dr. Vincent has always said that he would never ask a doctor to do something he would not do himself and that feeling of teamwork shows.
On why clients choose to work with Onrad:
Onrad’s radiologists are the best of the best. Dr. Vincent explains that when a radiologist starts working with a new Onrad partner, they are screened and handpicked for the facilities or hospitals. “This way, they get the benefit of working with a large organization that operates like a small organization. We take care of them on a personal level,” Dr. Vincent says. This kind of relationship is extremely valuable when it comes to teleradiology services. He continues, “We’re not so big that they [clients] are going to get lost in the shuffle, but we’re sophisticated enough that we have the infrastructure to support a lot of hospitals and support them like the big players.”
Dr. Vincent tells us about a case that came to the table in Los Angeles, where the patient turned out to be an NBA player that was playing basketball in the Staples Center. Due to Onrad’s expertise, they were able to make a tough call in regards to his injury, which turned out to be correct. Dr. Vincent cites this as an example of how Onrad was able to satisfy a client in tricky scenario. Side Note: This patient was NOT Kobe Bryant. Of course, we asked.
On why radiologists like being a part of Onrad:
Dr. Vincent says that radiologists value the flexibility that comes with being an Onrad radiologists. While some radiologists prefer to work at a hospital, others like working at home. Onrad gives radiologists the freedom to work in a scenario that is the best fit for them.
Onrad’s dedication to filling their team with sub-specialized radiologists is valuable to patients and clients, but it’s also beneficial to other Onrad radiologists. “Radiology is such a broad field, and there are some exams where you just want someone with the extra training of a subspecialist doing your reading,” Dr. Vincent says. He goes on to point out that every hospital can’t have subspecialists, especially those in rural areas where that level of expertise cannot be supported. He goes on saying, “The bottom line is, you want the best person with the best training to read the MRI of your spine, as opposed to a person who traditionally reads knee MRI’s. Onrad can make that happen anywhere.”
On the future of teleradiology:
Due to his tenure and deep knowledge on the subject, we turned to Dr. Vincent for his insight on the future of teleradiology. “It’s going to keep growing. There will always be a need for telemedicine, so that everyone in the population can have access to high quality health care. Whether a patient lives in a tiny village in Alaska or in the city next to a hospital, Onrad is dedicated to giving that patient nothing but the best.”
About ONRAD, Inc.
ONRAD, Inc. is a full service radiology services provider headquartered in Riverside, California. As a partner to its customers, we can complement and expand the radiology services already in place or provide a more comprehensive full-service solution. ONRAD provides on-site radiology including Interventional Radiology, sub-specialty interpretations, teleradiology, RIS/PACS support, as well as final and preliminary radiology reports. All studies are read by U.S. – based, board certified radiologists.
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