What is DICOM?
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a standard for storing and transmitting medical images between medical computer, software, and imaging systems. It is a standard protocol that was developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and has been revised several...
AuntMinnie | In 1993, radiologists working at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) did something revolutionary. They moved into a new hospital facility that had no permanent film file room. Why? Because the Baltimore VAMC had purchased a PACS, the very first full-hospital PACS...
AuntMinnie | Concern about radiation dose from medical imaging exams makes it imperative that radiologists proactively find ways to keep dose exposure to a minimum -- and healthcare IT can help, according to Dr. James H. Thrall, who spoke on the topic this week at...
AuntMinnie | How promptly a facility follows up with women who have received an abnormal mammogram is crucial to a screening mammography program's success, according to a new study published online in Radiology. Time to follow-up varies widely between facilities -- indicating there is definitely...
DiagnosticImaging | Voice regnition software continues to gain popularity in healthcare as the technology improves. But among radiologists, it's often met with mixed reviews. The technology promises to speed turnaround time and save money, but concerns linger that it's cumbersome and error-prone.
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