Subspecialty radiology expertise can be a very valuable addition to a practice. If you're looking for a subspecialty radiology group, learn how to find the best fit for you.Credentials aren't everythingWe won’t dispute the value of well-educated physicians from top programs. However, picking the right...
AuntMinnie | Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) causes fewer bowel and rectal toxicities than 3D conformal radiation therapy, according to study findings to be presented October 3 at the plenary session of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) annual meeting in Miami Beach, FL.
A preliminary...
imagingBiz | Patients with shorter life expectancies are at far less risk relative to those with a good prognosis when it comes to radiation dangers from medical imaging, conclude researchers in a new study in Radiology. The results may bring some relief to radiologists who...
imagingBiz | Diffusion-weighted MRI may be a better determinant than PET-CT of whether lung lesions are cancerous or benign, according to a study conducted by Belgian researchers and presented yesterday at the European Respiratory Society’s Annual Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The modality could then...
AuntMinnie | Does the presence of heavy calcification hinder diagnosis with coronary CT angiography (CCTA)? It surely does, and the more calcium per segment, the greater the inaccuracy, concludes a study in the October issue of Radiology that analyzed data from the recent Coronary Evaluation...