DiagnosticImaging | A formidably named bit of technology can open a new window into pancreas function, according to a new study in the journal Radiology. Serial magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with a spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse can provide insights into pancreatic flow noninvasively, Japanese...
AuntMinnie | Using CT to measure cardiac fractional flow reserve (FFR) -- measuring the shape and speed of blood flow in the heart and coronary arteries -- is a potential game changer that could turn everyday coronary CT angiography (CCTA) scans into a one-stop cardiac...
DiagnosticImaging | Which is really better for patient care: Clinical decision support or prior authorization?
Both approaches to managing utilization are meant to help physicians make critical decisions about the best way to diagnose and treat patients. Both can reduce healthcare costs by offering medical recommendations...
HealthLeadersMedia | More than one in four of the 117,000 new jobs created in the U.S. economy in July were in healthcare, according to preliminary figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Healthcare created 31,300 new jobs for the month and 170,900 new jobs in the...
RT-Image | Team sports require a group of people to work together to reach a goal under a defined set of circumstances or conditions. It starts with official rules that ensure a game is played in a safe and fair manner and spell out how...