AuntMinnie | A research paper published on Thursday by the British Medical Journal has cast fresh doubt on the value of breast screening by suggesting that declining mortality rates are due more to improvements in treatment and the efficiency of healthcare systems than mammography screening.
DiagnosticImaging | Computed tomography (CT) scans beat traditional spirometry in identifying lung damage associated with flare-ups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, a study published online in the journal Radiology concludes.
COPD can damage both the airways and the air sacs of the lungs, and...
imagingBiz | Most accountable care organizations (ACOs) are adopting one of four different approaches to creating new payment models, according to a new report sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation established to promote improvements in the U.S. health care system.
Prepared by health care...
AuntMinnie | Computer-aided detection (CAD) technology doesn't improve the accuracy of mammography and increases a woman's risk of being called back unnecessarily, according to a study released Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Lead author Dr. Joshua Fenton, from the University of California,...
iHealthBeat | Two Texas researchers recently published an analysis in the Archives of Internal Medicine outlining a scheme for categorizing health IT-related medical errors and suggesting possible fixes, InformationWeek reports (Terry, InformationWeek, 7/26).
About the Analysis
The two researchers are Dean Sittig, a professor of biomedical...