| October 20 -Demand for radiation oncologists in the U.S will outpace the supply 10-fold in the next decade a report published in this week's edition of theThe Journal of Clinical Oncology says.
The number of full-time equivalent radiation oncologists entering the workforce is...
The Wall Street Journal | October 18 - Of all the problems with the U.S. health-care system, one of the most vexing for patients is simply sitting in the doctor's waiting room. Being ushered into the exam room, only to be left shivering in a... | October 15 - Headlines regarding excessive patient exposure have raised new questions regarding radiation's use in medicine. Here's how you can reduce errors.
On Jan. 23, the radiotherapy community awoke to startling headlines--the first in a series from The New York Times dealing with errors... | October 18 - Pharmacists might soon be leaving the confines of their drug-filled fortresses to work alongside primary care physicians. Two studies indicate that adding pharmacists to the primary care team for joint care management increases medical benefits.
In an American Diabetes Association report,... | October 15 - Consumer prices for hospital services spikes 1.8% in September, the largest one-month jump since the Bureau of Labor Statistics first gathered comparable data in January 1997. The figures are seasonally adjusted. The surge comes two months after the bureau reported...