| Emergency department physicians are badgered by interruptions, many of which cause them to change tasks, leave tasks unfinished, and predispose them to making medical errors.
In a normal two-hour period, an academic emergency room physician may treat as many as 16 patients at the same...
HealthLeadersMedia | The AMA is urging physicians to take action against inaccurate payments from private health insurers. As part of the launch of its “Heal That Claim” campaign, the AMA is supplying physicians with tools to fight flawed and inefficient claims processing by health insurers.
One... | A new report published this week has harsh words for digital mammography, saying the technology was adopted due to heavy industry lobbying and is costing the U.S. Medicare system millions more than film-based imaging, despite an alleged lack of evidence that it's any...
Diagnostic Imaging | The U.S. district court judge in Florida tossed Obamacare on the basis of the individual mandate. The logic the judge used was fine; the Supreme Court will ultimately review it and it will likely be a five-four decision, although I don’t know...
Diagnostic Imaging | Women who get breast MRI scans may have higher false-positives on their baseline studies, but those rates drop on subsequent scans, according to a study to be published in the April issue of Radiology.
Study co-author Martha B. Mainiero, MD, notes that while...