Over the past few months, a select few teleradiology companies have been on the offensive regarding radiology practices that are deemed predatory. While I agree with some of the content, it's not always so black and white. Simply because a teleradiology practice takes on a...
HealthLeadersMedia | Raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 in 2014 would generate about $7.6 billion in net savings to the federal government, but it would add $5.6 billion in out-of-pocket costs for 65- and 66-year-olds, and $4.5 billion in employer retiree healthcare...
HealthLeadersMedia.com | The recession was bad for business in nearly every industry including healthcare, where patient volume at hospitals declined as people put off elective surgeries and procedures. But as the economy rebounds, some hospitals are abandoning austerity and moving in the other direction with...
HealthLeadersMedia.com | Trauma patients who've been hurt in car or bike crashes, shot, stabbed, or suffered other injuries are more likely to live if they arrive at the hospital on the weekend than during the week, according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania...
AuntMinnie.com | At a busy breast imaging center, radiologists and radiologic technologists (RTs) work side by side, often with stressful workloads. It's crucial that they work together smoothly: If relations are rocky, the quality of patient care can suffer, and tension can lead to attrition.