HealthLeadersMedia | There's a barrage of data in healthcare – I'm not just talking about patient and billing data – I'm talking about the multitude of surveys that offer insights on the direction of healthcare and the economy. While there may be a lot of...
Diagnostic Imaging | While taking call during the first half of my residency, I was approached by one of the ER docs, who wanted to review a chest x-ray. My prelim report was negative, but we dug up the films (yes, films! Remember those?) and...
ONRAD, Inc. to be featured on "21st Century Business".
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HealthLeadersMedia | After two days of debate, the American Medical Association's House of Delegates Monday voted by two-thirds (326-165) to renew its support for the individual mandate, the embattled portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires people who can afford health coverage to purchase it.
Diagnostic Imaging | Hundreds of hospitals across the country needlessly exposed patients to radiation by giving patients doubled-up CT chest scans a front page article in Saturday’s New York Times found.
Assessing Medicare outpatient claims for 2008 (the most recent data available), Times reporters Walt Bogdanich and...