ONRAD Helps Lower Cost Structure For Radiology Groups - ONRAD, Inc.
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ONRAD Helps Lower Cost Structure For Radiology Groups

Online Radiology helps lower cost structure for Radiology groups by offering final reports. You may already know us for our superior, world class service that helps you sleep better at night, but now we can offer you something that the other guys can’t- final reports.

If you use the other guys for your teleradiology needs, you are forced to review their work and then duplicate effort by creating a final report in your RIS system when you come in the next day. However, if you choose Online Radiology’s Platinum Star Service package, you won’t have to duplicate effort. Online Radiology’s world-class doctors will enter the final reports into your RIS for you.

“I believe that final reporting capability truly helps those over-worked Radiology groups out there,” claims Dr. Samuel Salen, Chairman of the Board of Online Radiology. “We all know how hard it is to carry the staff we would like to cover both day and night time workloads at most hospitals. Sometimes, a Radiology group can’t keep up, and can’t staff the way they would like to. Having to come in every day and review the reports from the teleradiology group that was on the night before, and then re-enter them into your RIS system is simply a waste of time. Now, Radiology groups don’t have to do that. We are offering Radiology groups better quality of life at night by covering their night call, and peace of mind when they come in the next day knowing that they don’t have to duplicate effort.”